The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Region of Murcia show their support for the World Citrus Organization in its official presentation at Fruit Attraction 2019
Today the newly founded World Citrus Organisation (WCO) was officially launched at Fruit Attraction, Madrid. With this official presentation, citrus fruits are finally placed at the same level of coordination worldwide as other fruit categories, such as pears &...
Freshfel Europe and Aprifel’s ‘Follow me to be Healthy with Europe’ campaign reaches over 1,000 Twitter followers who are joining the campaign’s #400gChallenge
Three months after its launch the ‘Follow me to be Healthy with Europe’ campaign has reached over 1,000 followers on Twitter. Young Europeans on social media are following the digital-first EU-wide campaign run by Freshfel Europe and Aprifel, which is challenging...
Freshfel Headlines 5 – 2019
Freshfel Headlines - Number 5, 2019 Positive results for Freshfel Europe's 'Follow me to be healthy with Europe' campaign In July 2019 Freshfel Europe together with Aprifel launched the ‘Follow me to be healthy with Europe’ campaign, co-funded by the European Union....
Fresh Times 4 – 2019
Fresh Times - Edition 4, 2019 Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact Nicola...
Freshfel Headlines 4 – 2019
Freshfel Headlines - Number 4, 2019 Freshfel Europe launches #400gChallenge with the 'Follow me to be healthy with Europe' campaign On 4 July 2019 Freshfel Europe and Aprifel launched their joint EU-funded digital-first campaign ‘Follow me to be Healthy with Europe’....
Freshfel Europe offers solutions to urgently tackle SPS barriers to third country markets for European fruit and vegetable exports at European Commission meeting
Freshfel Europe has warned EU market access experts of the need to act urgently to address the challenges that the European fruit and vegetable sector are facing to access third country markets. Freshfel Europe recommended concrete solutions that would help diversify...
Fresh Times 3 – 2019
Fresh Times - Edition 3, 2019 Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact Nicola...
Freshfel Headlines 3 – 2019
Freshfel Headlines - Number 3, 2019 Freshfel Europe 2019 Annual Event held in London on 5-6 June On 5 June 2019 leading fresh produce stakeholders from across Europe gathered at Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Annual Event to analyse the driving forces for opportunities in...
Freshfel Europe analyses promotion & trade opportunities for fresh produce at Annual Event in London
On 5 June 2019 leading fresh produce stakeholders from across Europe gathered at Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Annual Event to analyse the driving forces for opportunities in the current unpredictable business environment for the fresh produce sector. Freshfel Europe members...
Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Annual Event to focus on building opportunities for fresh produce in the current unpredictable business environment
Freshfel Europe is holding its 2019 Annual Event in connection with The London Produce Show and Conference on 5-6 June in London, UK. With the Annual Event programme now finalised and registrations open, Freshfel Europe is anticipating animated discussion on this...