Follow me to be Healthy with Europe!


Follow me to be Healthy with Europe!

2018-2021 European Commission Promotion Programme

Follow me to be healthy logo

Freshfel Europe is one of the beneficiaries of the European Commission’s 2018 promotion of agricultural products multi programmes under Topic B. Freshfel’s project, entitled ‘Follow me to be Healthy!’ with proposal number 826011, will be coordinated by Freshfel with Aprifel as a partner. The programme has a total budget of €1,269,952.00 and requested grant of €1,015,961.60.

Promoting F&V consumption in 18-30 year old Europeans

The objective of the three-year Information and Promotion Programme (2019-2021) is to promote the supply and consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in Europe. The target countries for the programme are France, Belgium, Italy, Poland and Germany and the programme will run for a total of 36 months. The target audience of the programme’s activities are young European adults aged between 18 to 30 years old.

The aim of the programme is to increase awareness of the importance of consuming a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and to stimulate the target audience’s consumption levels of fresh fruit and vegetables towards the recommended minimum intake level of 400g per day.

Press releases 

Call for tender – successful agencies selected

To implement the project successfully, Freshfel and Aprifel launched a call for tender for marketing agencies to create a graphic design for the programme, to implement the programme activities, and to manage the social media community. Freshfel and Aprifel also launched a call for tender for an evaluating agency for independent evaluation of the programme.

The process of selecting the successful agencies spanned a period of more than three months and was conducted via several rounds of selection during which the agencies presented their proposals. At the end of January 2019, Freshfel and Aprifel selected the following agencies for each action:

  • Abracabéa for the graphic design of the programme
  • APCO Worldwide for the social media community management and implementation of the activities
  • Quadrant Conseil for the evaluation of the programme

For more information on the project:

Roveg Fruit & Vegetables
Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson+Johnson (*)
Fruit South Africa (*)

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