Global Coalition of Fresh Produce


Global Coalition of Fresh Produce

A new level of cooperation for the fresh produce sector

Freshfel Europe has joined forces with six other fresh produce associations to form the Global Coalition of Fresh Produce. The newly formed Global Coalition will address increasing cost for the fresh produce industry and its impact on the whole value chain and end consumer.

The partners in the Global Coalition include: Afruibana, CFNA (China Chamber of Commerce of I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-products), COLEACP, CPMA (Canadian Produce Marketing Association), IFPA (International Fresh Produce Association), Freshfel Europe (European Fresh Produce Association) and SHAFFE (Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters).

Working together for more resilient global fruit & vegetable value chains

The vision of the Global Coalition is to work together for resilient global fruit and vegetable value chains, which enables economic, environmental and societal benefits to all. The Global Coalition’s mission is to therefore voice solutions addressing global supply chain disruptions for fresh produce production and trade (in particular increasing costs), which have led to significant concerns on the economic model of the sector and its capacity to provide cost effective fresh fruit and vegetables to support food security and health.

The pandemic demonstrated the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables to the diets of the global community. However, compounded supply chain disruptions have driven food inflation and product availability in many regions around the world. The objective of the Global Coalition is to work to demonstrate the need to recognize the fresh produce sector as essential to the public good and increase awareness of issues and provide solutions associated to supply chain disruptions, which are impacting price, quality and availability of fresh fruit and vegetable.

Find out more about the Global Coalition

Further information about the Global Coalition of Fresh Produce and its work is available via the Global Coalition’s website here.

Gowan (*)
TOMRA Sorting NV(*)

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