Structure and Divisions

Freshfel Europe’s Structure

Freshfel Europe is governed by a Board, which is supported by several Divisions and Committees.

The Board consists of a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Treasurer. The Board are representatives of Freshfel Europe’s members and are elected for a mandate of two years at Freshfel Europe’s Annual General Meeting, which the Board presides over to decide statutory and corporate matters. The current Board was elected at the Annual General Meeting in June 2022 in Brussels.

Freshfel Europe Board

President – Salvo Laudani (Fruitimprese, Italy)

Vice President – Frédéric Rosseneu (Greenyard, Belgium)

Vice President – Anders Lind (Coop Trading, Denmark)

Treasurer – Marc De Naeyer (Trofi, Netherlands)

Freshfel Europe’s Divisions (Production, Import, Export, Wholesale, Food Services, Retail and Interbranch) and Committees (Food & Plant Safety, Sustainability, Farm to Fork, and Promotion) are presided over by a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. Each specific Division and Committee covers business segments and horizontal issues relevant to the fresh produce sector and often has dedicated activities and topics of discussion.

In addition to this structure, Freshfel Europe operates in an open manner by coordinating regular meetings with all its members and associated members on topical and emerging issues. This flexibility allows the Association to respond quickly to the rapidly changing and evolving fresh produce market. Freshfel Europe is highly active in the international arena and holds physical meetings with stakeholders whenever appropriate and feasible.

UNITEC S.p.A. (*)
Unia Owocowa – Association of Polish Fruit and Vegetable Distributors

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