The Technical Secretariat (TS) of the FreshProducePEFCR, which is developing technical rules for calculating the environmental footprint of fruits and vegetables as part of Freshfel´s Environmental Footprint Initiative, would like to invite all sector representatives to provide their feedback on the first draft of the PEFCR document.

In light of EU environmental footprint accountability requirements as well as increasing transparency demands from the supply chain and consumers, there is a growing need for a standardized environmental footprint methodology for the fresh produce sector. Freshfel Europe and its members have embarked on the Environmental Footprint Initiative to develop together a fresh fruit and vegetable environmental footprint methodology (FreshProducePEFCR), database, and digital tool that are broadly accepted by the industry, stakeholders, and consumers. The objective of the Initiative, which is aligned with the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology as recommended by the EU, is to enhance the sector’s sustainability and maintain its competitiveness.

With this public consultation we ensure different perspectives are considered in the development process. We especially encourage sector experts and LCA-experts with sound expertise in the fruit and vegetable sector to submit their feedback.

The Technical Secretariat invites all interested stakeholders to download the documents and the Excel form from the links below to provide their feedback on the FreshProducePEFCR during the consultation period, which will be open from 2 April 2024 until 30 April 2024.

Download the templates to provide your feedback to the first public consultation

The following files will be provided for the first public consultation:

For comments:

1. First draft Fresh Produce PEFCR: 1_2024_FirstDraft_FreshProducePEFCR.pdf
2. Template to collect comments (in Excel): 2_Template_FeedbackPublic Consultation FreshProducePEFCR_yourname.xls

For information:
3. First PEF Representative Product report for Fruits Report: 3_2024_FirstDraft_RP Fruits.pdf

4. First PEF Representative Product report for Vegetables 4_2024_FirstDraft_RP Vegetables.pdf

5. Note for the attention of PEFCR public consultation commentators prepared by DG ENV: 5_good practices_public_consultation.pdf

6. Presentation from the 26/03/2024 webinar: 6_FreshProducePEFCR: calculating the environmental footprint of fresh fruits and vegetables

How to submit your feedback

Please return your comments in the Excel file to by Monday, April 30, 2024 at 17:00 CEST. Please add your name to the file name.

Technical Secretariat FreshProducePEFCR :

Freshfel Europe (Chair)

Wageningen Economic Research (TS Support – Lead)

Dutch Fresh Produce Centre (GroentenFruit Huis)


Dole PLC

Blonk Sustainability (TS Support)

PRé Sustainability (TS Support)



Note to the Editors: Freshfel Europe is the European Fresh Produce Association, representing the interests of the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chain in Europe and beyond. Freshfel Europe currently has over 200 members, including both companies and associations. For more information, please contact Joanna Nathanson at

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