Life is Better with Fruit and Vegetables
ProjectsLife is Better with Fruit and Vegetables
The project
The Life is Better with Fruit and Vegetables campaign is an EU-funded programme that targets Millennials and aims at increasing their level of knowledge regarding the nutritional benefits, versatility, sustainability, and practicality of fruit and vegetables. Young Europeans aged 25 to 35 represent a key demographics of consumers, as they are still shaping their purchasing and eating habits.
The campaign, which kicked off in March 2022 and will run until February 2025, will take place in France and Ireland, in addition to having a pan-European dimension. It is a joint effort between Interfel (Association Interprofessionnelle des Fruits et Legumes Frais) and AIB (Association Interprofessionnelle de la Banane) in France, Bord Bia in Ireland, and Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association. Life is Better with Fruit and Vegetables will rely on a budget of approximately €5.4 million and a combination of press relations, website and social networks, advertising, communication tools, and events to maximize the outreach of its message.
The partners

INTERFEL is the organizational interbranch association of fresh fruit and vegetables. Founded in 1976, it regroups 15 professional member organization across the sector: production, shipping, import, export, wholesale, and distribution. As a private organization by law and initiative, Interfel is a recognized National Interprofessional Farming Association under French rural law, and under the European Union, since 21 November 1996, as part of the single CMO (Common Market Organization).

AIB is the French interbranch organization for bananas. It brings together professional organizations representing the sector: producers, importers, ripeners, wholesalers, specialised retailers in fruit and vegetables and retailers. Its main objective is to stimulate consumption of bananas of all origins on the metropolitan market.

Bord Bia was established in 1994 as the Irish national food marketing and promotion agency working at home and abroad. Fresh produce promotions are a core activity of Bord Bia.

Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, is the forum of the fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain in Europe and beyond and is the leading fresh fruit and vegetable organisation in Europe. Freshfel Europe is a membership association, whose members are from across Europe and represent the whole supply chain and ensures that the fruit and vegetable sector and its interests are well-represented and have a strong voice in Europe and globally
The newsletter
As part of its involvement in the programme, Freshfel Europe will publish quarterly newsletters about the developments of the campagin.
All the newsletters published so far are availble below.