Freshfel Europe calls on EU & Japanese authorities to build fresh produce trade on the outcome of the new EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement
Freshfel Europe is calling on EU and Japanese authorities to build fresh produce trade on the outcome of the new EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. The European Commission hosted an online seminar on the 19-20 April between the EU and Japan to facilitate...
Freshfel Europe Headlines 2 – 2021
Freshfel Europe Headlines - Edition 2, 2021 Freshfel Europe Annual Event taking place on 4 June 2021 celebrating 20 years The 2021 Freshfel Europe Annual Event will take place online on 4 June 2021. Celebrating Freshfel Europe’s 20th anniversary, to mark the occasion...
Freshfel Europe’s #SpeakUp4FruitVeg gains momentum as the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables progresses
Since its launch in January, Freshfel Europe’s campaign #SpeakUp4FruitVeg has called on EU decision-makers to boost support for the fresh produce sector on the occasion of the UN’s 2021 International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. The year-long digital initiative,...
Freshfel Europe welcomes UK announcement to postpone new import requirements for EU exports in response to sector’s request
Over the past months Freshfel Europe has been advocating in cooperation with its members for more flexibility from the UK when it comes to the obligation for EU fresh produce exports to the UK to carry phytosanitary certificates from 1 April. Today’s announcement by...
EU Agri Promotion Policy revision must reflect future consumer & business needs prioritizing sustainability & health
Freshfel Europe is appealing to the European Commission to ensure that the new EU Agri Promotion Policy is forward thinking and reflects future consumer and business needs on sustainability and health. Freshfel Europe submitted its response to the European...
Fresh Times Edition 1 – 2021
Fresh Times - Edition 1, 2020 Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact the...
Freshfel Europe publishes reflection paper urging EU to have a fully-fledged SPS Strategy to ensure reciprocity in trade relations following EU Trade Policy Review
In response to the new EU Trade Policy Review, Freshfel Europe is publishing a policy reflection paper, ‘SPS Export Protocols: towards greater reciprocity in fresh produce trade’. The paper summarises market access hurdles faced by the European fresh fruit and...
Freshfel Europe kick-starts collective pan-European environmental footprint initiative
Yesterday afternoon Freshfel Europe reviewed the latest state of play of environmental footprint initiatives in the fresh produce industry with its members and decided to move forward towards a more collective approach for the sector. While the fresh produce sector’s...
Freshfel Europe & FPC urge UK government to extend derogations on phytosanitary certifications for fresh produce to avoid business disruption on 1 April
The impact of Brexit is a big challenge for businesses on both sides of the Channel with EU27 exports representing over 3 million tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables to the UK, 40% of the UK’s internal demand. The sector is already facing additional annual costs of...
First ever EU fruit & vegetable e-Commerce market study shows promising signs for the future of online sales
Today Freshfel Europe and the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have published the first ever extensive study on fresh produce e-Commerce with the title...