Freshfel Europe has released the newest edition of its ‘Freshfel Consumption Monitor’, analysing trends in the production, trade and supply of fresh fruits and vegetables across the EU-27. Overall, 2011 experienced a slight 2.6% raise in the consumption pattern to 382 g/capita/day for fresh fruits and vegetables, still below the WHO 400 gr/day minimum recommendation. Specifically, the per capita fruit consumption in 2011 stands at 197.08 g/capita/day on average for the EU-27. It has increased by 3% in 2011 compared with 2010, but it also shows a decrease by 3% in 2011 compared with the average consumption of the previous five years (2006-2010). Per capita vegetable consumption in 2011 stands at 185.52 g/capita/day for the EU-27. It has increased by 2% in 2011 compared with 2010 but declined by 3% in 2011 compared with the average consumption in the previous five years. Given these trends and levels persisting below the WHO minimum recommendation, sustainable actions at all levels are needed to stop this downward trend and boost consumption patterns to satisfactory levels.


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