International Year of Fruits & Vegetables 2021

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International Year of Fruits & Vegetables 2021

UN 2021 International Year of Fruits & Vegetables

2021 has been designated by the UN General Assembly as the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV). The IYFV is a unique opportunity to raise awareness of the important role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, food security and health as well as in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The four objectives of the 2021 IYFV are:

  • Raising awareness of and directing policy attention to the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables consumption.
  • Promoting diversified, balanced, and healthy diets and lifestyles through fruit and vegetable consumption.
  • Reducing losses and waste in fruits and vegetables food systems.
  • Sharing best practices on promotion and consumption, improved sustainability, supply chains and capacity strengthening.

The 2021 IYFV falls within the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) and the UN Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028). FAO is the lead agency for celebrating the year in collaboration with other relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations systems. All information regarding the 2021 IYFV is available via the dedicated FAO website here.

On the 15 December 2020 FAO’s Director-General QU Donguy launched the 2021 IYFV with an appeal to improve healthy and sustainable food production through innovation and technology and to reduce food loss and waste.

FAO released a IYFV 2021 Background Paper, which provides an overview of the fruit and vegetable sector and a framework and a starting point for discussion for the Year. The Background Paper outlines the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption, but also examines the various aspects of the fruit and vegetable sector from a food systems approach, and highlights the interlinkages of stakeholders and key issues to be considered for action during the IYFV.

Freshfel Europe is encouraging the EU fruit and vegetable community and beyond to support this important international year. Freshfel Europe is calling on its members to proactively engage in the 2021 IYFV to maximize the outreach of this exceptional yearlong initiative to boost consumption and raise awareness of the sector’s constant work to improve the health of all citizens and increase global sustainability. Freshfel Europe’s press release on the launch of the 2021 IYFV is available here.

Freshfel Europe campaign #SpeakUp4FruitVeg

To support and celebrate the 2021 IYFV Freshfel Europe is running a digital campaign ‘#SpeakUp4FruitVeg’. Launched in January 2021, the campaign is targeted at EU decision-makers to better support the sector in EU policy-making.

Through regular posts on its social media accounts (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook) throughout 2021 Freshfel Europe hopes to boost support for the sector by EU decision-makers including European Commission officials, Members of the European Parliament and Member State representatives.

Further information about the #SpeakUp4FruitVeg campaign is available via the campaign launch press release, otherwise please contact the Freshfel Europe Secretariat.

Freshfel Europe’s #SpeakUp4FruitVeg campaign is supported by Maastricht University’s PREMIUM Project programme.


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