Consumption Data
What we doConsumption Monitor

Every year, Freshfel Europe releases an updated version of its Consumption Monitor. During the last decade, the document has become increasingly important in evaluating the trends of fresh fruit and vegetable production, trade and consumption in Europe. It is a unique document looking both at the business development and the evolution of the daily diet of fresh produce in Europe.

The revamped report, which is based on official statistics from EUROSTAT and FAOSTAT, shows that the average fruit and vegetable consumption in the EU grew to 364,58 g/day/capita in 2021, a 2,19% increase from 2020 and 1,27% above the average of the previous five years. The EU-27 fresh fruit and vegetable market size also increased to reach 74.354.475 T in 2021. This growth is in line with the positive trend that started in 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has significantly changed the lifestyle of Europeans, in addition to increasing their sympathy towards environmental causes and climate change.
The Consumption Monitor is built upon official statistics from FAOSTAT (production) and EUROSTAT (trade). It uses the same methodology for the calculation of the consumption on an aggregate basis for the EU-27 as well as for each of the 27 member states of the European Union. However, the accuracy of the trends relies on the validity and correctness of the FAOSTAT and EUROSTAT databases. This data may be affected by unexplained variations from year to year. As such, the Freshfel Europe Secretariat suggests using this document to look for overall trends rather than individual data, given that the data is calculated with the same methodology and is therefore comparable. We thank you for taking note of these remarks and hope you understand our cautionary approach.

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How to order the Consumption Monitor
The Consumption Monitor is a service offered to Freshfel Europe’s members, but can also be purchased by non-members at a rate of EUR 2500. The 188-page document includes the following sections:
- Gross supply of fruit and vegetables in the EU-27 (trends in production, exports and imports (covering 2017-2022)
- A comparative review of consumption trends across the EU-27 (covering 2017-2022)
- A review of the total net supply, trends in production exports and imports in the EU-27 (covering 2017-2022).
You can order the “Freshfel Consumption Monitor 2024” by contacting or