
What we do

Freshfel’s cooperation with other organisations

Freshfel Europe closely cooperates with organisations located in the same premises as Freshfel. This includes WAPA (World Apple and Pear Association), SHAFFE (Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters), ESSA (European Sprouted Seeds Association), Growing Media Europe (producers of growing media and soil improvers) and Europatat (European Potato Trade Association).

             WAPA logo       SHAFFE Logo FINAL              Page 20 ESSA logo            Europatat_logo_ssfond

Since December 2011, Freshfel has joined forces with SACAR (Secretariat des Associations Agricoles Réunies) incorporating FRUCOM (Dried Food Importers), Union Fleurs (International Flowers Trade) and Assuc (Trade in Sugar). This provides a broader perspective of EU agriculture sectors to the secretariat to policy issues. This collaboration allows for synergies synergies on administrative and policy issues, such as representation in Civil Dialogue Groups and membership to CELCAA (European Liaison Committee for the Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade).

            SACAR LOGO-ssfond             Page 9 Union Fleurs           Page 9 Frucom          Page 9 ASSUC

Freshfel also closely cooperates with other agri-food organisations at European level, including COPA-COGECA, AREFLH, PROFEL, AIJN, FoodDrink Europe, EUROCOMMERCE, EPHA, and ECPA, and is accredited with the FAO, WHO, UN/ECE and OECD.

Evers Specials
VLAM (*)
CORTEVA agriscience (*)

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