All registration is free of charge for Freshfel and PROFEL Members. Please register at the following link:
Freshfel Europe members & Freshfel Europe associated members:
Freshfel Europe members and associated members have unlimited delegate access to the Networking Cocktail, the Statutory AGM Meeting and the Annual Event Public Conference.
PROFEL members
PROFEL members have unlimited delegate access to the Networking Cocktail and the Public Conference.
Members of the press are permitted to attend the Public Conference Session only.
Freshfel Europe Annual Event sponsors are only permitted to attend the Statutory AGM Meeting if they are a Freshfel Europe member or associated member, in addition to all other sessions.
Non-Freshfel Europe and Non-PROFEL Members
Participants that are neither Freshfel nor PROFEL member are permitted to attend the Annual Event Public Conference Session upon confirmation of the payment of a 300 EUR (+ 21% Belgian VAT = 363 EUR) participation fee.
This participation fee also gives access to the networking lunch.
Payment details
Please make the payment by bank transfer to the following account:
BNP Paribas Fortis
Agence de Broqueville, 1200 Bruxelles
European Fresh Produce Association-Freshfel Europe
Account no. 210-0435011-18
Swift code: GEBABEBB
IBAN: BE50210043501118
CIE registration n°: BE 0413.638.088