
Statistical Extranet

Freshfel Europe’s Statistical Extranet provides detailed information on the production, trade, supply, and consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Freshfel Europe collects the data from FAOSTAT on production and from EUROSTAT and UN Comtrade for intra-EU and global trade. For supply and consumption, Freshfel calculates the consumption values on the basis of the official figures and the methodology used for the Freshfel Europe Consumption Monitor.

Consumption Monitor

Every year, Freshfel Europe releases an updated version of its Consumption Monitor. During the last decade, the document has become increasingly important in evaluating the trends of fresh fruit and vegetable production, trade and consumption in Europe. It is a unique document looking both at the business development and the evolution of the daily diet of fresh produce in Europe.

Other resources

Freshfel Europe also relies on publicly available databases in its market analysis activities.

These include the European Commission’s Weekly Taxud database and Trade Map, which combines figures from different data sources.

CSO – Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli
Laboratorium Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (*)

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