EU Programme 2021-2022


EU Programme 2021-2022

2021-2022 European Commission promotion programme call for tender

Freshfel Europe (European Fresh Produce Association, located in Belgium), INTERFEL (Interprofessional Organisation of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, located in France), APRIFEL (Agency for Information and Research on Fruits and Vegetables, located in France), BORD BIA (Irish Food Board, located in Ireland), Dansk Gartneri (Member Organisation for the Danish Horticultural Industry, located in Denmark), and Fruit Union (Association of Polish Fruit and Vegetable Distributors, located in Poland) are looking for the following for a period of two years for an agency specializing in press relations and e. influencers able to support it in the deployment of its highlights and actions of communication.

The competition takes place in two rounds. The offer submitted by the candidates must be valid for 120 days from the date of submission of applications. INTERFEL does not provide any bonus or compensation of any kind whatsoever for the candidates.

The purpose of the first round is to preselect a maximum of 5 candidates presenting the most coherent administrative, financial and technical capacities, as well as the first most relevant recommendations for INTERFEL.
The shortlisted candidates will be sent a second set of specifications describing more precisely the missions that will be entrusted to the selected agency, and detailing the recommendations expected from candidates for their participation in the second round of the consultation.

The consultation file is available on the Double Trade website or on written request from

Deadline for submission of tenders: 29 March 2021 at 14:00 (CET)

The full tender (in French) is available on the INTERFEL website


Serbia Does Apples (*)

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