Fresh Times – Edition 2, 2023
Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact the Association’s Secretariat.

Editor’s Note: Spring simplicity
Spring is in the air and the campaigns for fresh produce are blooming. This season’s campaigns show two main themes. First, to not only communicate the health and nutritional benefits of fresh produce but also to educate on the sustainable practices behind the product. Second, to speak to consumers of convenience. Through easy recipes, on-the-go solutions and social media presence, this spring’s campaigns ensure that fresh fruits and vegetables are available for everyone at any time.
Germany: Taste of tomatoes
For the fourth time, SanLucar and the cooking platform Kitchen Stories will collaborate to launch a new marketing campaign in German supermarkets with the tagline “Our recipe for good taste.” The campaign is focused on SanLucar’s tomatoes and the easy-to-prepare recipes from Kitchen Stories. Creating a combination of healthy vegetables in tasty recipes. At the point of sale, the tomatoes are accompanied by posters and recipe folders to inspire consumers.
Europe: What time is it?
According to Chiquita it does not matter. Any time is good for a banana. As lifestyles evolve and convenience becomes more important, Chiquita is trying to remind consumers that bananas are an easy, healthy snack for which there is never a bad time. The campaign, “It’s Chiquita o’clock”, is communicated through QR codes on the stickers, which will redirect consumers to the company website where they can engage in time-of-day themed games.
Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania: Refresh!
Whether you are looking for a new tv-show or an entertaining game on your PC, you can find it at Refresh Your Life. Through information activities organisations from Cyprus, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania are promoting fresh fruits and vegetables in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. On their website, you can follow four episodes of the Life Givers in their adventures. Or perhaps try your hand at the Refreshland-game where you, in your fruity character get boosts from eating fruits and vegetables and lose energy from less healthy options.

Netherlands: Love My Salad
Targeted towards UK consumers, Dutch Rijk Zwaan embarked on a social media campaign called Love My Salad. The campaign which has been running since fall 2022 shows how to use affordable vegetables in everyday cooking. The campaign is meant to help introduce vegetables into the daily life of consumers and make them a standing part of any meal. With the help of social media, star chefs and influencers, the campaign had reached over 750 000 people by the beginning of April. Using influencers helps spread Rijk Zwaans message fast and efficiently because they are close to the target audiences of busy families.
Greece, Italy: Let’s EAT!
Being aimed at consumers, media and HoReCa professionals, the Let’s EAT campaign throws a wide net. Working to promote cultural change to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, the project aims to improve the level of knowledge of the merits of fresh produce by for instance challenging top chefs to interpret various fresh produce products in their cooking. The campaign aims to present and promote the products outside their usual context, and promote a new, fresh and glamorous idea of a quality energy break.
Italy: In&Out
For the third year in a row, the In&Out campaign is on. The campaign promotes the quality, healthiness and sustainability of fruit and vegetables. Not only does the campaign aim to promote the nutritional benefits of fresh produce, but also the sustainable practices that are behind the production, and the efforts that are continuing to be made. The newest communication initiative of In&Out is Shake&Go. Simply answer a few survey questions and you might receive a portable blender to enjoy your fruits and vegetables wherever you go.
US: Fuel for the future
March was the National Nutrition Month in the US. The annual campaign was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and has been running every year since 1973. The theme for March 2023 was “Fuel for the Future” and focused on eating sustainably and healthily. Apart from giving 50 tips (!) on how to celebrate this month, the website also provides a range of online toolkits on everything from “Eating Right and Reducing Food Waste” to nutrition sudokus.