Fresh Times – Edition 5, 2021
Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact the Association’s Secretariat.

Editor’s Note: Kids eat in colour
Autumn season is kicking in full speed. Leaves are turning yellow and the weather is getting colder. We are entering into the second pandemic autumn and winter with increasing Covid infection rates across Europe. Children’ immunsystems are currently challenged, and also other viruses are making the round in schools and kindergardens. Boosting the immune system and staying healthy are key priorities. Kids eat in colour – so let’s make sure, they get the entire range of the fruit and vegetable rainbow, to make it strong and healthy through this season.
Netherlands: Pass on colour
In September 1,000 crates of fruits and vegetables were distributed throughout the Netherlands as part of the ‘Geef kleur door’ (Pass on colour) campaign. The recipients were nominated for different reasons, from having an incentive for a healthy lifestyle, a thank you or helping hand. The objective of the campaign was to call on Dutch people to give each other fruit and vegetables more often. The campaign also focused on making them more widely available to everyone everywhere and at any time so that choosing fruits and vegetables is easier. The campaign was launched in the context of the UN International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.
France: Eat well for all
In October Aprifel joined forces with the Rural Families Association around the theme of eating well for all to help 18-25 year olds as well as young children and their parents eat the recommended daily intake of fruit and vegetables. From 11-17 October both organisations shared a week of menus on their website and social networks to demonstrate how at least five fruits and vegetables per day can be easily incorporated into your diet. Every day a recipe was offered that could be made quickly in 15 minutes with little equipment, and practical advice on the use and storage of fresh produce was also given.
Spain: Banana brand shows solidarity with victims of volcano eruptions in La Palma
The brand “Gabaceras” has launched a new sticker at its premium brand “Europlátano”, which marks the the support for the island of La Palma. The new sticker includes a QR code, which leads to the brands website and with that to more information on volcanic eruption. Banana plantations have been also affected by the continued outbreak of the volcano “Cumbre Vieja”, either directly through the damages caused by lava or by roadblocks which prevents farmers from reaching the farms. While collection, transport and packaging prove currently difficult, the bananas taste is not affected. “Gabaceras” used the momentum to also reveal their redesigned logo with “humans” at the centre of their content campaign “The taste of those who know”.

Belgium: Strawberry goes U.K. – Trade campaign highlights aims to raise brand awareness
Driven by the continued rise in demand for berries, the Belgian producer and trader “Hoogstraten” has launched a trade campaign for its strawberries in the U.K. market. The campaign particularly focuses on the trade and buyer side with exclusive articles in key industry publications and targeted monthly newsletters and is emphasizing the benefits of sourcing strawberries from Belgium and from Hoogstraten. Amongst many, the company illustrates in its campaign the main benefits of its brand, which stands out by its proximity to the U.K. market and its focus on supplying to the U.K. between September and April, when there are no British strawberries available. Hoogstraten further is responding to the increasing sustainability requirements of the consumer market with new punnets made from recycled paper, ensuring full traceability through a QR code. The U.K. is a key market for Belgium strawberries with nearly 10.000 T sold in the U.K. in 2020. Therefore, Hoogstraaten is strengthen the brand recognition of this trend with its buyers
Spain: “Fruit goes to school” campaign goes into its 10th round
Zespri has teamed up again with Spanish Nutrition Foundation on a new edition of its school project “Fruit goes to school”. The campaign actively encourages good nutrition and daily consumption of fruit at school. It’s the 10th anniversary of the campaign, to which almost 2000 Spanish schools have participated. For the new academic year Zespri has launched new features to the project including didactic content and fun downloadable games, to create knowledge on different fruits amongst children. It contains further videos with activities, crafts related to fruits and an eBook for teachers, to introduce concepts of healthy diets. The first projects began in October 2021.
Germany/Austria: “Encanto’s” magic on SanLucars fruit packaging to lighten up the winter
SanLucar has been using already testimonials of the magical Disney-Pixar world in the past and has now secured the testimonials of the news production “Encanto”. The film tells the story of a young Colombian girl Mirabel, who must save the family, despite being the only family member without magical powers”. SanLucar, which introduces the characters on their products in special packaging and stickers on citrus, avocado and pineapple in Germany and Austria, is convinced that the Colombian family will bring happiness and magic into the winter. By its partnership with Disney, SanLucar wishes to encourage healthy eating among children. The promotion will include POS materials including displays, sales folders and top signs. Retailers are invited to participate to a special competition via Facebook, to show the most attractive and creative presentation using the promoted products with a trip to Spain being amongst the main prices.
Ireland: Fyffe’s Olympians
Fyffes has partnered with Olympians Phil Healy and David Gillick to determine Ireland’s fittest school. Part of the Fyffes Fit Squad ambassadors programme, both Olympians will visit the top-performing school and receive €5,000 worth of sports equipment. The initiative aims to keep schoolchildren healthy, by staying active and eating well. Online workout videos are being offered for schools to use as part of their physical education curriculum to guide classes. So far, the Fyffes Fit Squad has reached 20,000 children with positive and health-driven messages and exercise ideas. Once it is safe to do so again, the campaign will run in-person classes at schools.

UK: #SaladSticks
Veg Power is continuing to encourage vegetable consumption in children. Their latest campaign, #SaladSticks, was devised to put salad in the spotlight over the summer months, when other barbecue food often takes centre stage. #SaladSticks raised awareness of the possibility to use vegetables in salad sticks, including that they are quick to prepare, convenient to eat, fun, accessible, affordable and appealing to both adults and children alike. Veg Power created a specific e-book with dedicated #SaladSticks recipes to get parents and children started. Emphasis was also placed on being creative in the kitchen and using up leftovers from the fridge to prevent food waste.
Germany: Sustainability Heroes
In October the Sustainability Heroes Awards 2021 were announced at a digital conference by the German Association for Sustainability and the German Association for Quality. Port International won the category ‘Carbon Footprint’ for their BE CLIMATE initiative. Port International’s BE CLIMATE is the first brand for climate-neutral fruit and vegetables, covering bananas, blueberries, green asparagus, leaf clementines and strawberries. Although carbon neutral since 2017, Port International has set an own target to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 2018. The BE CLIMATE website covers all information about product carbon neutrality in an easy-to-understand manner for consumers through explanatory text and visuals.
US: Blueberry boost
The US Highbush Blueberry Council has outlined a new strategic plan to give the blueberry industry a boost worldwide. Their new 2021-2025 strategic plan charts a course to exponentially grow the volume of blueberries both in the US and across the globe to further stimulate blueberry consumption. The plan includes demand-driving programmes based on shared resources, research and insights to sustain profitable growth of the blueberry industry and unite stakeholders to work together to make blueberries the world’s favourite fruit. The plan covers five strategic pillars, including integrated marketing communications, health and nutrition, industry services, global business development and innovation and technology.
Global: Peter Rabbit
The United Nations, FAO and UN Foundation have teamed up with Peter Rabbit for this year’s World Food Day in October. The collaboration, under the hashtag #PeterRabbitFoodHero, aims to establish a global campaign to mobilize more food heroes advocating for healthy food and sustainable diet practices. Peter Rabbit will be used to speak to children and their parents about the importance of healthy eating, buying local produce, reducing food waste and celebrating the food heroes who supply food to people throughout the world while also protecting the planet. During the campaign, Peter and his friends will talk about some of the most important sustainable foods issues.