Fresh Times – Edition 2, 2019
Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact Nicola Pisano or Nelli Hajdu at the Association’s Secretariat.

Editor’s Note: New spring, new ideas
It’s a new spring season and that marks a new release of fruit and vegetable campaigns with new innovative and bright ideas! In this April edition of the Fresh Times we’ve seen a wave of recently released campaigns focusing on seasonal fruits and increasing consumption of vegetables. In an exciting first we’ve also looked on as brands have teamed up with tech and apparel companies to maximise outreach to younger generations. Don’t miss out either on what’s been happening in schools to educate the young. See you for more promotion inspiration in the next edition of the Fresh Times in June!
Belgium: Vegetables are the new sneakers
Did you know that vegetables are the new sneakers? April marked the beginning of the new three year Belgian campaign ‘Vegetables are the new sneakers’. Funded by the European Commission agricultural promotion programme, the online campaign encourages Belgian millennials to turn vegetables into a lifestyle, just like your sneakers, rather than being on a to-do list. Vegetables are just as easy, tasty and funky as the sneakers that you wear every day. The campaign consists of videos aimed at 20-30 years showing how you can cook healthily and easily incorporate vegetables into your diet and favourite foods.
Italy: It’s strawberry season!
Everyone is rejoicing for the beginning of the strawberry season, but this year the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Forestry and Tourism along with Ortofrutta Italia have gone the extra mile to ensure that strawberries are on everyone’s plates! The Ministry and Ortofrutta are running a joint campaign on Italian strawberries from 1 April to the end of May focusing on seasonality, freshness, organoleptic quality, safety and respect for the environment. Retailers, wholesalers and local outlets will display informative posters to stimulate strawberry consumption within the local Italian production season.
France: Pears in Paris
If you were in Paris on 10-16 April you may have seen the Rocha de Oeste pear on billboards throughout the city. ANP embarked on this second campaign in Paris to inform French consumers about the characteristics of the Portuguese pear variety, such as its brown spots known as ‘carepa’. The advertising material with the slogan ‘The Flavour of the Portuguese Pear, the Rocha Pear’ was displayed on 360 billboards across Paris and also aimed at showing that that Rocha pear is still available on the French market a few months before the start of the new production season.

UK: Hello fruit & vegetables
In March the Alexander Rose Charity partnered with healthy meal delivery company HelloFresh to increase awareness of the importance of eating fruit and vegetable at every meal. The Alexandra Rose Charity provides low income families with vouchers per child to purchase fruit and vegetables. During the week of 23-29 March HelloFresh customers were alerted to the Charity’s work and the inclusion of fruit and vegetables in families’ diets, which is a mission of HelloFresh. HelloFresh customers were offered the opportunity to fund vouchers to ensure that more families eat fruit and vegetables in their meals every day, especially low-income families.
France: #AgriPourMieuxManger
How can everyone eat better? The Bonduelle Grupo has teamed up with make.org this spring to find out. From 26 March to May 31 a citizen consultation is open called #AgriPourMieuxManger run by the Bonduelle Group and make.org to enable the public to give their views and engage with the notion of better and healthier eating, including fruit and vegetable consumption. During this period Bonduelle employees will also be submitting their ideas to the consultation. The best ideas receiving the most votes from participants will be actively implemented on a national scale, with the aim to establish 6-10 initiatives over the next three years.
Europe: Get with the kiwifruit Program
This kiwifruit season outlets of Zespri kiwifruits need to ‘Get with Program’ in order to launch the new promotion campaign of SunGold kiwifruit. Zespri’s market developmet managers will be creating customized retail programmes with retailers for their shoppers to help shoppers explore outside their typical fruit selection and consider SunGold kiwifruit as part of their shopping basket. New packaging showing nutritional information and care instructions will help customers expand their kiwifruit horizons, demonstrating the ease of eating and nutritional value of kiwifruits. Additionally Zespri is offering various travel related prizes and the campaign will be featured on television stations and printed publications.
Spain: Banana pret-a-porter
Are you into banana-rama? Well get ready for some serious banana trends coming this summer! The Zara spring/summer collection will be right up your street if you both enjoy eating bananas and wearing them. This season Asprocan, producers of the Banana of the Canary Islands, has teamed up with Zara to showcase the Canary Islands’ banana on their spring/summer collection t-shirts. The bananas will also feature on clothing items from the clothing store chain Amancio Ortega. Both clothing labels will feature a bright banana yellow t-shirt with the signature Canary Islands banana logo in full force on the front of the shirt for 12.95 euros.

Europe: Banana Snapchats
This year for World Banana Day on the 17 April Chiquita Brands International partnered with Snapchat to present to Chiquita banana fans SnapCodes on 200 million Chiquita Blue Stickers until the end of May. The Snapchat campaign includes three different lens, the World Lens turning Snapchatters into a dancing Chiquita Banana character, the Face Lens turning faces into a Chiquita Banana and the Gamified lens inviting Snapchatters to catch the falling Chiquita Bananas into a fruit bowl to score points. In this way, Chiquita is the first brand to bring Snapchat visual recognition technology into the fresh produce aisle.
Italy: Committing to new generations
This spring Fruttagel presented their Dal Campo project at the CSR and social innovation fair in Bologna, Italy. The project, now in its fifth edition, promotes healthy lifestyles and healthy eating habits at school and in the family home to primary school children. So far the project has involved over 10,000 students in 462 classes. Teaching these new generations the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption is done by recreations-educational courses that are carried out through the project in class as well as thematic competitions. This is a key pillar of Fruttagel’s long term sustainability commitment.
US: Reimagining school cafeterias
Did you ever get to choose what you at for lunch at your school cafeteria? Students in North Carolina have been doing just that as part of the Reimaging School Cafeterias programme. To encourage students to eat more fruits and vegetables the school got students to try products in different forms and recipes and vote on their favourite. As well as transforming the food available to students at the cafeteria into healthy options, the programme also focuses on teaching students about the food system. The main of the programme is to support children’s agency when it comes to healthy food choice.
Australia: Hailstorm Heroes
Have you heard of the Hailstorm Heroes? They’re back in action this year in Australia to save apple growers hit by damaging hail weather. This year the Hailstorm Heroes campaign encourages consumers to support growers affected by the bad weather and purchase apples that were slightly marked during recent hailstorms in South Australia and prevent this produce from going to waste. Developed by Hort Innovation, the campaign is endeavouring to demonstrate that crops that are slightly odd shaped, miscoloured or marked due to the unpredictable hail storms are still perfectly edible to eat and not lacking in nutritional value.