
Freshfel Europe Secretariat

Philippe Binard

General Delegate, overseeing the activities of the Freshfel Europe secretariat. Philippe is responsible for the external representation of the association & is answerable to the Freshfel Europe Board & membership. Philippe is also the Secretary General of WAPA (World Apple and Pear Association) & SHAFFE (Southern Hemisphere Fresh Fruit Exporters), and the General Delegate of the World Citrus Organisation (WCO), which are hosted by Freshfel Europe. 

Eglė Baecke-Eimontaitė

Director Food Quality & Security, following EU legislation on food safety, food quality & food security. Eglė covers authorisation of plant protection products, MRLs, biocides, food additives, hygiene marketing standards, food information to consumers & food security. Egle is the Secretary General of ESSA, the European Sprouted Seeds Association, & is also involved in the activities of SHAFFE. 

Gil Kaufman

Project Management & Market Analysis responsible for the management & dissemination of Freshfel Europe’s actions in EU-funded projects, including ‘Life is Better with Fruit and Vegetables’. Gil is also involved in the market analysis activities of WAPA, WCO, and SHAFFE, in addition to covering issues related to new genomic techniques and the EU School Scheme.

Joanna Nathanson

Head of Sustainability and External Relations covering issues related to sustainable supply chains, such as packaging and ESG topics. She is also covering EU policy on health, nutrition & organics. Joanna represents Freshfel Europe in international fora, including at OECD and UNECE. Joanna also takes part in Freshfel’s external communications including consumption promotion.

Sarah Breitburd

Trade Policy Advisor covering EU agri-food trade policy (including trade negotiations, sanitary and phytosanitary issues, exports, customs, official controls, & organics) as well as issues related to the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy and plant health issues.

Linda Bloomfield

International membership & marketing support, providing assistance to exporters, importers, producers, retailers & service providers across the fresh produce supply chain who wish to become members of Freshfel Europe. Linda also manages sponsorship sales for the Freshfel Europe Annual Event. 

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MDA Agricultural Products (*)

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