Association Priorities


Association Priorities

Freshfel Europe’s priorities for 2022 onwards

Freshfel Europe has set a number of priorities that will shape its political and policy agenda for 2022 and onwards. They serve to address the main challenges faced by the fresh produce sector.

The priorities derive from dialogue amongst the Freshfel Europe membership, while also considering the agenda and priorities of the EU institutions, such as the implementation of the objectives set under the European Green Deal.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the war in Ukraine have radically modified the priorities of the fresh produce sector as well as the political agenda of governments, institutions, local and regional authorities and actors that influence the supply chain. This illustrates the need to be able to adapt to a new situation and sanitary, social, economic and political challenges. Many of the lessons learnt from the pandemic and those that the sector is learning through the aggression in Ukraine remain relevant also under different circumstances or situations of crisis.

5 major priority areas for fresh produce 

Experiences gained by the sector over the years are integrated in the five thematic areas identified as the priorities for the Association’s mandate for 2022 onwards.

ClemenGold (*)
CSO – Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli
FOOD freshly AFC GmbH

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