Thematic Network

What we do

Freshfel Europe’s new Stakeholder Network

The Thematic Network has shifted! 

Following the closure of the European Commission’s 2018 Thematic Network Cycle, Freshfel’s Thematic Network on the EU Health Policy Platform has now become a Stakeholder Network on the Platform.

The new Stakeholder Network includes all the information previously found in the Thematic Network area.

The Stakeholder Network area allows stakeholders to receive updates about the Joint Statement and related new initiatives as well as share news and resources about European fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. In this way, the Stakeholder Network will continue to serve as a platform for dialogue and cooperation between interested stakeholders.

Become a member of the Stakeholder Network

Stakeholders who previously had access to Freshfel Europe’s Thematic Network area on the EU Health Policy Platform do not automatically have access to the new Stakeholder Network and will need to ‘request access’ to the new Stakeholder Network area.

To access the Stakeholder Network please login to the EU Health Policy Platform using your ECAS account, scroll down on the homepage until you reach ‘Stimulating fresh fruit and vegetable consumption for healthier European consumers’ and click ‘Request access’. Access will be granted by the Freshfel Europe Team.

Freshfel Europe’s 2018 Thematic Network

European Commission Thematic Network

In 2018 Freshfel Europe coordinated a European Commission Thematic Network on ‘Stimulating fresh fruit and vegetable consumption for healthier European consumers’ as part of the annual work of the European Commission EU Health Policy Platform.

The overall objective of the Thematic Network was to act as a platform for sharing information, knowledge and good practices targeted at increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption among those groups whose consumption of fruit and vegetables is low throughout Europe. Freshfel Europe’s Thematic Network aims were to:

  1. Develop a Joint Statement with an accompanying visual representation;
  2. Act as a forum for dialogue between organisations to discuss the realization of these best practices, and
  3. Act as a platform from which to develop collaboration and synergies between organisations beyond 2018.

Thematic Network Joint Statement

In collaboration with participating stakeholders Freshfel Europe developed a Joint Statement outlining the way forward for increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption in Europe.

The Joint Statement comprises of two parts, a framing paper contextualising current fresh fruit and vegetable consumption levels in Europe and a recommendations paper outlining 43 points of action with accompanying good practices to stimulate fresh fruit and vegetable consumption. All recommendations are aimed at both public and private stakeholders, including governmental institutions and actors within the agri-food and health sectors across Europe.

Participating stakeholders contributing to the Joint Statement including the following organisations: Appic Santé, Aprifel, BEUC, Bord Bia, Copa Cogeca, ECDA, EFAD, EFCAM, EHN, EPHA, Eurocommerce, Euro Coop and EuroHealthNet.

The Thematic Network Joint Statement and infographic are available for download here and here.

Endorsement of the Joint Statement

The Joint Statement was open to endorsement by stakeholders. This call was open to all stakeholders. In total the Thematic Network Joint Statement was endorsed by 42 stakeholders from across Europe. Those stakeholders who formally endorsed the Joint Statement endorsed the general provisions and recommendations included in the Joint Statement. All endorsing stakeholders’ logos appear at the back of the Joint Statement.

For all queries, please contact Nicola Pisano ( 


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