Freshfel Europe collects this information from different sources to the best of its knowledge. Freshfel Europe is in no way responsible for the content of the articles used. For any questions or further information, please contact Daphne van Doorn or Nelli Hajdu at the Association’s Secretariat.
Number 2/2017 – 28th of April 2017
Note from the editor: Heading for new shores – the colors of spring
Here is it again: the next spring edition of the Fresh Times is ready! Every two months we collect creative and fun best practices, how f&v can be presented in their very best light. But there is more behind! The Freshfel Fresh Times is also one of our commitments as a member of the EU platform for action on diet, physical activity and health. The platform is a forum for European-level organizations, willing to tackle the growing overweight, obesity and physical inactivity at the European continent. As member of this platform, we acknowledge, that this issues have their roots not only in bad nutrition but as well in weak education and social constraints. Therefore, and also in future, we will not only try to highlight fun campaigns, but also such which go beyond nutrition. Canada (in this case it is true!) first: Thrilling and smart ideas which are still looking for its match elsewhere… And what else? It is finally spring: so everything is green, red, yellow and colorful! What that means? Find out by reading!
Brussels: #FruitVeg4You launched in March
What is the most important rule? Do something good and talk about it. And that’s why our first article of this edition is dedicated shamelessly to our own cause. Freshfel Europe has teamed up with the farmers organisation Copa Cogeca to launch the #FruitVeg4You hashtag to raise awareness and encourage an increase in consumption across Europe. The campaign will share content from the organisation’s members, as well as specially created content, facts and figures about fruit and vegetables, in addition to interesting articles. As social media has its momentum now and is here to stay, the aim of the campaign is to reach a wider European audience through this channel. Fruit and vegetable consumption is not where it could be, this our contribution, to encourage more sharing on social media about good promotions, campaigns and activities related to fruit and vegetables. #FruitVeg4You will be evaluated in a year time and is also part of Freshfel’s commitment to the EU platform on diet, physical activity and health. So stay tuned for more! P.S. Guess what? We are back on FB!
Canada: It is more than just a salad bar
What does school canteens normally serve? Else than slimy and undefined mash and grey meat? Generations of students have worked on escape strategies – from hiding the mash under the meat to just simply throwing it away. The Nobel Public School in the district of Ontario has found its own way – and it’s going way beyond than just simply eating. Supported with founds from private and public sources, the school initiated a salad bar program in their daily food supply. And it turned out to be a never ending opportunity. Together with the acquisition of a roof top garden, the salad bar has changed a lot: it teaches the kids how to eat right. Yes! But it also connects them local food producers. They shall understand where their veg is coming from. They learn how to buy local, and how you can grow yourself. The costs come at $ 3 per kid, and those who cannot afford it, are sponsored. “Everybody eats if they’re hungry – that’s the way we operate”, the school teachers say…The positive peer pressure encourages everyone to eat their greens. And the next idea is already in the pipeline. Just a little buzz: salad and mathematics…
Canada II: The best sound comes from carrots…
FoodShare Toronto’s campaign “The Great Big Crunch” is an annual moment of anti-silence where everyone gets together and bites into crunchy fresh local produce unison. This creates a beautiful symphony made of apples and carrots. And it’s a perfect way to raise the awareness to healthy snacking with your class, friends and colleagues. This is a true level of concerted practices: registration is required beforehand by classes or whole schools. The Great Big Crunch provides ideas and activities how to include fresh into your snacking habits. But most important: at “Crunchday”, this year at 9th of March 2017, 2.30 pm: one, two, three…BITE! All over the district. The hashtag #greatbigcrunch is obligatory. The vision behind: demonstrating inspiring models of change and animating grass roots initiatives. Part of this is: public awareness. So on 9th of March 17, the Canadian Produce Marketing Assocation climed on the Parliament Hill to support the campaign and highlight the importance of childhood nutrition. Every participant showed his best crunching skills. Here is some key data: 250.000 participants and since 2008: 1 Million crunches…
U.K.: Bananas for recycling
As Fresh Times has a clear mission to educate, we cannot ignore this creative campaign we found in the U.K. “Recycle Now” states, that it takes 289.400 banana peels – so one from every household in Oxfordshire – to produce enough energy to power three schools for one day. And some more mathematics: U.K. households produce 7.3 million tonnes of food waste every year including 240.000 T of banana skins. To raise awareness to food waste pupils from North Kidlington Primary school took their most beautiful banana costumes and invaded the town with one aim: “There is still so much more we can do.” And as it is not entirely a consumption only topic, we believe, this belongs here as well. Awareness raising where it is coming from, but also, where it will go to…
Global: Did you celebrate international Banana day?
By the way, did you know, that the third Wednesday of April is international Banana day? This year it was the 19th of April and a good occasion: to mix April’s Fool’s Day and Halloween and top it with a helpful portion of healthy eating. Banana days in the U.S. are celebrated the following: eat a banana, wear a banana and go banana…Get an overview how Banana day has been celebrated worldwide on Twitter. Bananas are full of Potassium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Copper… which makes them a healthy bomb and worth to be celebrated… Embrace yourself: International Jackfruit Day is soon to come (4th of July). Fresh Times will report.
Brussels & UK: The asparagus season is on!
No it’s not a report of Germany’s well known obsession with asparagus, which starts in April and ends only when the last asparagus spear has been eaten. No there are also others… Also the Brits know how to celebrate. The famous asparagus auction at The Fleece Inn at Bretforton did launch their first British Asparagus Festival back in 2006. And since then it’s growing. And it is only real – if there is also GUS – The asparagus man! The festival starts at the 23rd of April and ends at the 21st of June. And you can have it all until then, starting from the Asparabus-Tour to the Asparagus Family Colour Run and the Asparafest Food and Music Festival…but discover yourself! And as such the growers of Vale of Evesham took a tour to Brussels and to the European Parliament at the 25th of April to thank for the designations as Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and to raise the awareness for the product. The delegation will be hosted by Anthea McIntyre, who stated out already, that she loves fresh asparagus… And GUS – The Asparagus man was there as well, no debate about that!
The Netherlands: World Disco Soup Day
Food Waste is a problem to stay. And with regard to ongoing famines in several regions of the world and a growing hunger issue, while in other parts food is just thrown. Already since 2012 the Dutch Youth Food Movement, and this year even on a bigger level together with the Slow Food Youth Network called in the World Disco Soup Day. On 29th April people all over Europe will meet, dance to the same beats, while turning products into delicious soups. And what goes first into soups? Right, a lot of veggies… Seven cities in the Netherlands participate. And we from Fresh Times endorse this idea. Dance, happiness, education and the creation of a community spirit. What else? “Let’s feed bellies instead of bins”.
Germany: Welcome to the “Bundessalatwahl”!
Current political events used to inspire good campaigners to maximum performance. So it has happened here: The German elections, the Bundestagswahl is just ahead and a well know salad producer uses the occasion to present its very own candidates. This year’s “Spitzenkandidaten” are not Merkel and Schulz, but rocket salad, lamb’s salad and some other popular fresh cut mix varieties. The elections run prior to the Bundestagswahl and end – how could it be different at the 24th of September? The campaign initiated by Bonduelle accompanies a relaunch of design and products, and will be accompanied by actions in the shops itself. Voting is possible at the point of sale. And among all those who participate and attractive cruise in the Mediterranean Sea could be the price! The shops becomes the polling place – and the consumer has the choice: salad, salad, salad!!!
Italy: The sound of strawberries …
Strawberry season is already on in those regions, where the climatic conditions are already allowing it. And for the fruit and vegetable industry marketing budgets are sometimes tight. Campaigns on TV or in the radio are rare, but we all agree: There should be more of them! The new project of Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli in Italy for the support of typical Italian varieties from several producers, is aiming to change that. A new radio campaign is dedicated to support the producers at strategic timing within the season. It can be heard two weeks in April, July and December. And in the midst of the campaign: the very best features of the Italian strawberry – from the quality to its regional origin…
U.S.A.: Willy Wonka Banana Company…
Who does not remember this epic hunt for one of the golden tickets to enter into Charlie’s chocolate factory? And now – imagine instead of chocolate – where the movie had gone if instead of chocolate bananas would have been at the centre of attention? Costa Rica very likely! The banana company “Fyffes” has just opened the “Fyffes Golden Ticket Hunt”, an online scavenger hunt that encourages consumers to discover the world of the company and its bananas. Clues are hidden on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and if you are among the lucky 8, you might even fly out to Costa Rica to discover the beautiful world of bananas…And just besides, you learn about nutrition and the history. Fyffes says, it is the invitation to a journey…which we happily follow!
Jamaica: Cucumber
This man is truly a hero and by now an underdog star in the Youtube community. Nobody else can describe better the beauty of eating a “cucumba”… What else encourage more to grab the next green veg available while munching it to the rhythms of Jamaican reggae? Here is the listening evidence!